Food hubs hook up for routes, orders
The Iowa Food Hub Network represents a next phase of growth in local and regional food capacity, both in the five-state Heartland Regional Food Business Center region and across the country.
The Iowa Food Hub Network represents a next phase of growth in local and regional food capacity, both in the five-state Heartland Regional Food Business Center region and across the country.
Sandro Lopez has a product and a passion. His product is micro greens. His passion is building the soil. Thanks to business counselors at the Center for Rural Affairs, a Heartland Center partner, Lopez also has a business plan and business connections for marketing his product and pursuing his passion.
According to their growing customer base, Tony and Maria Barros have “traditional French Style Yogurt” figured out.
The local cows’ milk that they use for Amelia Creamery yogurt may have something to do with it. So, too, could the business development care they’ve received since starting up in 2017 from Oklahoma State University’s Food and Agricultural Products Center (FAPC), a Heartland Center partner.
K-State Research and Extension is hiring two positions to support its role in the Heartland Regional Food Business Center.
Practitioner work groups along with regional asset mapping and analysis are two projects advancing the Heartland Center’s work to serve as a regional hub supporting food and farm entrepreneurs.
The new Heartland Regional Food Business Center includes community food system initiatives among its working partnerships for their ground-level work developing essential capacity and connections.
Heartland Regional Food Business Center partners are adding staff and connecting efforts to help ensure that small, mid-size diversified farm and food businesses find the help they need no matter who they are, or where they are.
Now is the time for food and farm businesses to get ready for Business Builder Subaward grants from the Heartland Regional Food Business Center.
The Heartland Regional Food Business Center is dedicated to the business building needed to make local food an everyday, easy choice in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and northwest Arkansas.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announces the creation of 12 new USDA Regional Food Business Centers that will provide coordination, technical assistance, and capacity building to help farmers, ranchers, and other food businesses across the nation.